• +40733.804.999
  • Monday to Friday from 9 AM TO 5 PM (EET)

The policy regarding the protection of natural persons and the processing of personal data

AltConcept srl company guarantees the security and confidentiality of the data collected through the foxenia.com website. The personal data entered by the Consumer will be used only for the declared purpose of this site. The information in the order request form is necessary to send you order confirmation, to deliver the products you ordered or for return, in case of withdrawal, delivered by courier, or to request comments on the website (e-mail only and first name). When you receive the package, they are written on the tax invoice that accompanies the product. Also at the time of delivery of the order by Fan Courier Express srl, the name and surname, phone number and delivery address will be used for the transport document (awb). We do not provide your personal data to another third party. However, your personal data may be transmitted to the authorities entitled to verify commercial transactions or to other authorities entitled to carry out any checks justified based on the legislation in force. AltConcept srl company, in case that detects a violation of the security of personal data, will notify this to the ANSPDCP within 72 hours at most from the date on which it became aware of it. The processing of personal data is necessary only to fulfill the contractual terms stipulated by the online merchant, or for the steps preceding the conclusion of a contract with an online merchant.

Contact details of the person authorized to process personal data

The authorized person in the processing of your personal data is the company AltConcept srl, C.I.F. RO18586221, with registered office in Belcesti commune, 4 Munteni str., Iași county, registered at the Trade Registry Office with no. J22/972/2006, account at Banca Transilvania, RO07 BTRL RONC RT02 4695 2801 (hereinafter referred to as "authorized") with the e-mail address sales@voinicel.ro and the telephone number O733.8O4.999. The authorized person has not designated any person responsible for the protection of personal data processing.

Legislation regarding the processing of personal data - GDPR

The processing of your personal data is necessary both for the fulfillment of the contractual terms concluded between you and the person authorized to process personal data, as well as for the steps preceding the conclusion of a contract between you and the person authorized, according to article 6 paragraph 1 paragraph b) Regulation 2016/679 belonging to the Parliament European and Council regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and regarding the free circulation of these (hereinafter referred to as "regulation").

Purpose of personal data processing

The purpose of processing your personal data is to initiate or conclude a contract between you and the proxy. The authorized person is not automatically granted free decision according to article 22[1] of Regulation 2016/679.

Personal data retention period

Personal data is kept by the proxy for a period of 10 years and is archived according to the accounting law.

Third parties involved in obtaining personal data

Other parties involved in obtaining personal data will be both the courier companies, or any other persons involved in the delivery of the purchased goods, as well as the parties involved in successfully making the payments related to the purchase contract. The proxy does not intend to transfer your personal data to a third country (outside the EU) or international organizations.

Rights of the holder of personal data

In accordance with the terms and conditions established in the Regulation, you have the right:

  • The right to be informed[2].

You have the right to receive clear, transparent, easy to understand and easily accessible information about how we use your data and your legal rights.

  • The right of access[3].

You have the right to access the personal data we hold. The first provision of information will be done without charging any kind of fee. If you still need copies of the information already provided, we may charge a reasonable fee taking into account the administrative costs of providing the information. Evidently unfounded, excessive or repeated requests may not receive a response.

  • The right to rectify[4].

You have the right to request that your data be rectified if it is inaccurate or out of date and / or to complete it if it is incomplete. To do this, please contact us using the information below. If you have an account, it may be easier to correct your own data through the "My Account" function.

  • The right "to be forgotten"[5].

In some cases, you have the right to have your data deleted or destroyed. This is not an absolute right, as sometimes we may be forced to keep your data for legal or legal reasons.

  • The right to object to direct marketing[6].

You can unsubscribe or opt out of our direct marketing communication at any time. It's easier to do this by clicking on the "unsubscribe" link in any email or communication we send you. Otherwise, you can contact us using the contact information below.

  • The right to withdraw consent at any time.

For data processing based on consent: You can withdraw your consent regarding the processing of your data when such processing is based on consent. The withdrawal of the consent does not affect the legality of the processing based on the consent before its withdrawal.

The right to object to processing based on legitimate interests.
You can object at any time to the processing of your data when such processing is based on a legitimate interest.

  • The right to file a complaint with a competent authority[7].

You have the right to file a complaint with the Romanian data protection authority, the National Supervisory Authority for the Processing of Personal Data ANSPDCP, to contest the data protection practices offered by us. You can contact us using the contact details below before filing a complaint with the relevant data protection authority.

  • The right to data portability[8]

You have the right to move, copy or transfer the data that interests you from our database to another. This only applies to the data you have provided, when the processing is based on your consent or on the basis of a contract and is implemented by automated means.

The right to restrict.
You have the right to request the restriction of the processing of your data. This means that the processing of your Data is limited, so that we can keep the Data, but not use or process it. If you wish to request restrictions, please contact us using the information below.

The right to disable cookies see section B. Use of cookies
To do these things, please contact us in writing using the information below.

You have no obligation to provide us with personal data. However, the provision of your personal data is a necessary requirement for the conclusion and execution of the Contract. Without the provision of your personal data, both the conclusion of a contract and its fulfillment by the Supplier cannot be achieved.


[1] Articolul 22 din Regulamentul 2016/679. Procesul decizional individual automatizat, inclusiv crearea de profiluri

[2] Articolul 12 din Regulamentul 2016/679. Transparența informațiilor, a comunicărilor și a modalităților de exercitare a drepturilor persoanei vizate, Articolul 13. Informații care se furnizează în cazul în care datele cu caracter personal sunt colectate de la persoana vizată. Articolul 14. Informații care se furnizează în cazul în care datele cu caracter personal nu au fost obținute de la persoana vizată.

[3] Articolul 15 din Regulamentul 2016/679. Dreptul de acces al persoanei vizate

[4] Articolul 16 din Regulamentul 2016/679. Dreptul la rectificare

[5] Articolul 17. Dreptul la ștergerea datelor („dreptul de a fi uitat”)

[6] Articolul 21 din Regulamentul 2016/679. Dreptul la opoziție; Dreptul la opoziție și procesul decizional individual automatizat

[7] http://www.dataprotection.ro/

[8] Articolul 20 din Regulamentul 2016/679. Dreptul la portabilitatea datelor